Hollow Ram Jacks Single Acting

Hydraulic Jacks, Hydraulic Pumps, Vashi,  Navi MumbaiNext button

Hollow Ram Jacks - Plain Ram, Single Acting

Hollow Ram Jack
Hollow Ram Jack
Hollow Ram Jack
Hollow Ram Jack

Capacity 10 - 100 ton / Stroke 50 - 150 mm / Max. Working Pressure 700 bar

Hydraulic Power Packs, Pumps, Cylinders

Application :

» As hydraulic pullers with mechanical accessories for removing and assembling    bearing bushes, pins, cylinder liners, pulling tubes of heat exchangers, gears and    flanges of machinery
» As Bar / pre-stressing jacks at construction sites

Model Effective area�
Oil cap.
Closed height�
Wt. (Approx.)�
10 110 50 OSH 10-50 15.7 79 150 3.7
10 110 75 OSH 10-75 15.7 118 175 4.2
10 110 100 OSH 10-100 15.7 157 200 4.7
20 231 50 OSH 20-50 33 165 155 8
20 231 100 OSH 20-100 33 330 205 10.5
20 231 150 OSH 20-150 33 495 255 12.5
30 298 50 OSH 30-50 42.6 213 175 10.5
30 298 75 OSH 30-75 42.6 320 200 11.5
30 298 100 OSH 30-100 42.6 426 225 12.5
30 298 150 OSH 30-150 42.6 639 275 14.5
50 550 75 OSH 50-75 78.5 589 210 21
50 550 100 OSH 50-100 78.5 785 235 22
60 605 75 OSH 60-75 86.4 648 225 26
60 605 100 OSH 60-100 86.4 864 250 28.5
60 605 150 OSH 60-150 86.4 1296 300 33
100 990 75 OSH 100-75 141.4 1060 245 45
100 990 100 OSH 100-100 141.4 1414 270 48.5

Hydraulic Jacks, Hydraulic Power Packs, Hydraulic Torque Wrench